The Debate on the Right to Health | 80/20 BLOG


The Debate on the Right to Health

Global Notebooks XII: On misinformation and savagery

Manipulating information is an old story that new technologies have pushed to unimaginable heights. Borka from Sarajevo work on journalism at the service of the people, ethical, responsible, informative journalism that fights against inequalities.
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“Untouchable” video

With this video we want to thank our social base and collaborating entities for the support that they have provided for more than 50 years.
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Global Notebooks XI – Nowhere

Psychologists say that confinement sharpens fears and can bring out the worst in us. I take refuge in my imaginary city when the walls narrow, the oxygen is lacking and there is an excess of screens. As the days go by, this fantasy becomes more acute.
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More than a pandemic

In times of economic crisis, we have had politicians indifferent to the suffering of others, cutting on acquired rights, faithfully applying imposed recipes, trying to destroy basic public services, including health
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Global Notebooks X: Barcelona

I have seen so many avoidable deaths, that now that countries are closing, , I cannot help to feel questioned as a human being and to ask myself what has happened now to have the world paralysed?
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We need strong public health care to contain the global corona pandemic

The corona virus (COVID-19) outbreak has spread from China to over a hundred countries in less than two months. As of March 10th, confirmed cases were above 100.000 and deaths over 4.000.
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Global Notebooks VIII- Zagreb

3-day meeting of the People's Health Movement in Zagreb where the experiences, successes and disappointments of health systems and health coverage have been shared. Our international relations coordinator Ivan Zahinos explains it to us.
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Global Notebooks VII – Barcelona

Seventh article of opinion of the Coordinator of International Relations written from Barcelona. The patients were piled on stretchers in the emergency corridor while the professionals were not able to respond to all the needs.
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Female Genital Mutilation and its Link to Child Marriage

The army of women speaking up in order to warn over three million female children and enlighten them about the risk to suffer Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is increasing day after day, according to the UNO.
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The awakening of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Bank and the WHO?

“Money alone is not the answer [… ] Strong primary health care is capable of meeting the vast majority of communities’ diverse health needs.” – PHCPI Strategy. Last September 2015, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO
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