On October 10 we premiered our last documentary, Woman, as the first session of the Cinema Festival Salut, Drets, Acció 2019.
Woman is a film about the problem of gender violence in Mozambique, and about a new generation of powerful women who, from music, poetry, justice and social movements, raise their voices to combat inequality.
The more than 300 people who attended the premiere already know that it was a success. The large theater of Cinemes Girona was full to the brim, the documentary was very applauded, and the guests we brought from Mozambique to participate in the debate with the public …well, at least we can say that they made a deep impression for their courage, their strength, their empathy and the firmness of their convictions.

Dama do Bling

Josina Machel

Iveth Mafundza
Because it was a trio of exceptional women. We were able to count on Josina Machel, daughter of the first President of the independent Mozambique, Samora Machel, and stepdaughter of Nelson Mandela; victim of gender violence herself, losing sight of one eye, is now engaged in combating this scourge and caring for victims from the Kulhuka movement. And also came from Mozambique Dama do Bling, rapper, and Iveth Mafundza, rapper and lawyer, artists with great following, especially among youth, and active voices against gender violence.
The creators of the film, Iván Zahínos, of medicusmundi mediterrània, and the director Raúl de la Fuente, of Kanaki Films also participated in the debate.
Upcoming screenings:
Woman will also be screened in Alicante (10/20), in Valencia (10/21) and in Castellón (12/13), as part of the Cinema and Global Health Festival Mirant.
On November 26 we will release the film in Maputo, where we expect a lot of assistance and also that the documentary will give a great boost to the fight against gender violence in the country, among other things thanks to the media pull and the personal commitment of its protagonists.
Francesc Àlvarez
medicusmundi mediterrània