Bolívia | 80/20 BLOG



Global Notebooks XI – Nowhere

Psychologists say that confinement sharpens fears and can bring out the worst in us. I take refuge in my imaginary city when the walls narrow, the oxygen is lacking and there is an excess of screens. As the days go by, this fantasy becomes more acute.
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Global notebooks V – Riberalta

Quinto artículo de opinión del Coordinador de Relaciones Internacionales escrito durante la misión que le llevará a Mozambique, Ecuador, Bolivia y Bosnia. Reflexiones sobre la salud como un derecho y la salud como resultado de las políticas y decisiones nacionales e internac
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First Interinstitutional Platform against Violence towards Women and Family Members in Riberalta, Bolivia

Several institutions from the town of Riberalta, Bolivia, have united recently, medicusmundi among them, which as you know has been working in the health care sector, especially within the area of sexual and reproductive rights...
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