In 2011 medicusmundi approved a Declaration on Sexual and Reproductive Rights where its position and its commitment regarding the right of women to decide for themselves is stated. Just like a woman cannot be forced to undergo an abortion, she cannot be forced to become a mother against her will.
Following the presentation of the “Draft Law for the Protection of the Conceived Child and the Rights of Pregnant Women”, medicusmundi would like once again to reiterate its position in favour of the right of women to decide freely on their sexuality and procreation.
Abortion in Spain is not, to date, a health problem nor does it create alarm, since according to current surveys the majority of the population declared to feel comfortable with the current 2010 law regulating time limits, which together with adequate sexual education measures, has reduced the number of abortions undergone in 5%.
A more restrictive policy has proved in many countries not only unable to reduce the abortion rates, but has made it a health problem, since abortions are practised underground without proper sanitary control, mainly among women with lower income.
medicusmundi defends the right of women to decide by themselves and respect their reasons whether to interrupt or not undesired pregnancies, as well as demanding that the State fulfill its obligation to guarantee it by providing the means and the public services required.
Whereas countries like France are studying the possibility to designate abortion as a fundamental right not subject to restrictions for women, or others like Mozambique are envisaging to legalise abortion in order to protect the life and health of the mother-to-be, Spain is taking a real step back in history with a proposed law among the most restrictive in Europe.
Therefore, we call for the removal of the above mentioned Draft Law and we demand that the current 2010 Law for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Voluntary Interruption of Pregnancy be upheld, since we consider it to be the most common among our neighbouring countries as well as the best way to ensure that women’s rights will be respected and defended.
medicusmundi’s position is underpinned by the Human Rights treaties, as well as by the international agreements, commitments and regulations, as shown in the full Declaration document in pdf format.
Translated from Spanish by Sílvia Aymerich